Mt. Lovemore?
I know the title of this blog is slightly beneath a wordsmith of my caliber, but I feel that I have limited capacity today. I am somewhat spent.
Last week, my sister and Ernie went to South Dakota. Periodically I would get a picture message of Falls Park, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse and yes the desert bar of a Golden Corral. I would mock my sister for sending me a picture of a dessert bar in a Golden Corral, but I once took a picture of a taco bar in a gas station in eastern Iowa with my camera phone. The list of things Carla has sent me pictures of would fill a book. I guess this might be a genetic characteristic of the Bennett family.
On Wednesday of last week I was toiling away with the tools of my trade at the Computer Mine when I turned around and Teresa and Ernie were standing behind me.
She told me that they were engaged.
I said, "Awesome!"
She said, "That was the right response."
But as glad as I am to have Ernie officially joining the family, my favorite moment of the announcement came next.
She held out her hand and showed me the ring. I did the guy thing where I looked over the thing and acted like I had an opinion on jewelry.
Then Teresa said, "I know I shouldn't want a diamond. I have seen Blood Diamond."
My constant preaching on how the diamond industry is one of the greatest evils in the world had finally made a convert, sort of.
At least that is what I tell myself. The truth is that Teresa was probably just trying to avoid the lecture.
Either way, it is exciting news.
So we got together on Saturday and took some pictures.

No words on wedding plans yet, as the wedding is probably 2 years off in the future, but I'm sure I will get a sweet job. Something like "Guest Book Attendant". Don't even think you will get into this wedding without signing the Guest Book!
a friend of your sisters i can only say AWESOME way to go guys congratlations my friend hugs
I agree with you on the Blood Diamond comment and the Diamond industry. The ring is beautiful though...and what is even more beautiful is that these two were meant to be together..and in some sort of of weird twist of fate I was a part of that. I can't wait until the wedding! God Blesses us with so many things...and this is truly a blessing for your family and for Teresa. I am crying...I am a sap. Chris had me a tissue...NO NOT THE TOILET PAPER..
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