Des Moines Regatta
Admittedly, this is a series of very similar pictures, but I hope to convey the excitement and pageantry of the Des Moines Regatta.
I went down there on Saturday to watch Jen compete with Derrick and Jen.
Some of these photos were taken by Sara who redeemed herself after last year's incident.

It was one of my busier Saturdays. I hit the gym with Frank about 8:30. I failed to find a copy of the album "Giant Steps", but more on that later. I met Sara at 11 to go to the Des Moines Regatta. I left Des Moines at 3 and followed the Army Football team all of the way from 141 up to 30. Hit the Mindy Vickers wedding at 4. Got to Jack Trice Stadium at 5:30. Watched the Cyclones win fairly easily while not looking remotely impressive. Made my way through postgame traffic and got to Hickory Hall for the Dustin Jackson-Danielle Schell wedding reception at about 10 pm. I got home about midnight and slept like a champ.
Labels: Friends, Life, Photography
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