Mother's Day
On Mother's Day, I hosted the first family event at the new house. I learned the following things.
1. My mom, despite literally knowing me my entire life, will takes something out of my fridge and eat it without looking at the expiration date.
2. If you ask Elainie to get mayonnaise out of the fridge, she will tell you that you don't have mayonnaise, you only have Miracle Whip.
3. If I have popped a blister and am bleeding from my foot, I can talk Alexis into taking, not 1, but 2 pictures of my bloody foot.
Here are a couple of pictures from Mother's Day. I will spare you the blood foot picture, unless you explicitly email me at requesting the picture.

There are about 30 other Mother's Day pictures in the Family Photo Album. Just click on the link below:
Mother's Day
Labels: Family
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