The Land Awakens
I thought I would share a few pictures of the action that is going on in my backyard. I still don't really know what some/most of this stuff is going to turn out to be, so if you know, don't be afraid to shout out the answer.

The best guess somebody has given me is grapes.

The best guess somebody has given me is some kind of herb, but it is probably a weed.

One of my gardening experts told me that this was a magnolia tree. It definitely is not a magnolia tree. I'm still holding out hope for cherry tree, but it is probably a crab apple tree.

Raspberries. I've been told most likely black.

When I sent this picture to Shannon, she told me that it was concerning. Apparently it is bad for rhubarb to re-seed itself in the spring. Luckily I sprung into action (after being told what to do) and the rhubarb emergency was avoided, for now. Although I have some rhubarb that is so large that I worry that it is a super species of rhubarb that will one day grow out of my control and try to take over the world. The only other option is that this rhubarb is going end up in a very heavenly pie.

Some flower.

The super rhubarb. Don't look at it too closely. Its hypnotic powers will bend you to its will.

Some more flowers that I can't identify.

Same flowers, still no identification.

The mystery tree blooms.
It seems like every other day there is a new discovery in my backyard.
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