Supper with the Ungs
So I went for dinner with Ungs last night. It was interesting because right before he stopped by to pick me up, he was just finishing up his job.
I don't know all of the details of his job, but part of it involves taking children home. On this night the last child that he dropped off pulled a knife on him. Well, this put a bit of a damper on our evening because the police kept calling in the middle of our dinner to find out if he wanted to press charges on this kid.
He didn't press charges, but I think it was because he thought it would have made him look weak to press charges on an 11 year old girl for pulling a knife on him.
At the end of our dinner he helped me out with a picture project that will be made public to anybody that e-mails me on Friday or Saturday. I can't post those pictures now, but I can post some of the test images that I took.

He is soldiering on bravely after his knife episode. For the record, showing some leg didn't get him picked up. I guess that only works for women.
Labels: Friends, Photography
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