Cheese Subscription
It has come to my attention that some people would like to get e-mail notifications when this blog has been updated. I thought a rudimentary lesson in RSS Feeds a few months back would have quieted the clamor for e-mail subscriptions. It has not, so I am now offering an e-mail subscription service to this blog.
If you would like an e-mail notification whenever I update this blog delivered to your e-mail box every time that I add new info to this blog, then all you have to do is drop me a line and I will add you to the list. I'm pretty sure all of you know my e-mail address or can find it on this website, so I'm not dropping a super convenient link below this paragraph.
Many of you know that my favorite place that isn't in Boone County or affiliated with Iowa State University is Kalona. I like to make a visit to Kalona at least two times a year. As many of you know, I have not made it farther from my door than Des Moines this year. While that situation will be rectified with The Big Jesus Roadtrip next Friday and then the Cardiff Giant Roadtrip the following day, my mom did make the pilgrimage to Kalona with a couple sisters and her mom last Saturday.
I was unable to make the trip because I busy busting my back watching other people dump and rake sand on that day. However, my mom was good enough to bring me back the number one thing I covet from Kalona: cheese curds.

Cheese Curds Make Me Happy
I don't care what people say about Wisconsin. I don't care what people say about the Amana Colonies. For me, the best cheese curds in the world come from Kalona. There are many other great things about Kalona, but I covet the cheese curds.
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