An Artist's Notebook
“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” - Thomas Merton
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Taiwan Times - May 2009 Issue
The Taiwan Times
By Mark Wolfram
Reporting on God’s mission in Taiwan
May 2009
By Mark Wolfram
Reporting on God’s mission in Taiwan
May 2009
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15
Every Tuesday night we have Bible Study in English for the missionaries that serve here in Chia-Yi, Taiwan. Recently we have been going through the book of 1 Peter. A couple of weeks ago, we were discussing 1 Peter 3:15. As a missionary, I have learned that this verse is very important for our lives. I am often surprised at how God presents opportunities to share Christ, at times when I don’t expect it. I would like to share a couple of quick ways that God has presented for me to witness in every day parts of my life.
Hair Cuts
I get my hair cut from a lady who lives a couple of houses down from Salvation Lutheran Church. She runs the place out of her home, and is a very nice lady. Her hair cuts are cheap ($6.00, including a hair wash after the hair cut). She does not speak much English, so our conversations take place in Chinese, but she is always asking about church. She talks about how she does not like the traditional Taiwanese religions and would like to be a Christian some day. I am always glad to hear this, and invite her to church. She has yet to come because she always cuts hair on Sunday morning. However, we recently talked about Salvation’s new Pastor (Pastor Alex). The lady said she had the chance to meet him, and thought he and his wife were nice. I pray God will continue to open doors and help me to continually be a witness to her as she cuts my hair.
Chinese Lessons
A second example is in my Chinese lessons. This semester I began studying Chinese on Monday nights at church. One of the church members organizes teachers to come in and teach a couple of the American teachers. I have had 4 or 5 different teachers this semester who are not Christians. As part of the lesson I always ask to include 15-20 minutes of Bible reading. This is great because it helps me increase my vocabulary and acquisition of Bible words, but it also gives the non-Christians teachers a chance to read the Bible. Just this past week at Chinese class, another missionary and I were able to have a conversation with a high school girl (Ginny) about why we believe in God and what she believes. She comes from a Buddhist family, but her parents have given her freedom to believe what she wants. The conversation was a great chance to let her ask questions and understand more about what Christians believe and why we believe it.
These are just two examples of ways that God presents opportunities to share Jesus outside of worship or the classroom. As a missionary, I feel this is what God has called me to do. I have life, hope, and peace in Christ, and I need to let that overflow into all parts of my lif. I need to always be ready to be a witness of God’s faithfulness.
God Calls You!
I think this is idea is true for you as well. Really, we are all missionaries for Christ. I happen to be a teacher in Taiwan, but maybe you work at a bank, in a business, a school, or are retired. The apostle Paul made tents. Regardless of what you do, Peter’s words are the same for all of us. “Always be prepared to give the reason for your hope.” What ways and areas of your life is God presenting for you to be a witness in your community? People all over the world need God’s message of hope and life in Christ, even where you are. Can you be a missionary to them?
It’s Prayer Time!
1. Pray for me as I finish school year here at Concordia Middle School. My last day of classes is June 19th. Pray for God to give me focus, patience, and a heart overflowing with his love to share with students.
2. Pray for the school as they consider changes for next year’s teaching school. I am truly blessed that I work at a school which is committed to share Christ with the students, teachers, and those outside of the campus. Pray that whatever changes that will work for God’s glory.
3. Pray for my barber, that God would work in her life and continue to use me as a witness to her.
4. Pray for the people who have taught me Chinese over the past semester. Pray especially for Ginny that God would continue to help her know Him more.
5. Praise God for the support He has provided through people like you. I have raised over $2,000 toward my goal for next year. Pray that God would also continue to provide the remaining $7,000 to raise.
If you feel called to support the mission work here in Taiwan, you can send a check to the following address:
Missionary Support
LCMS World Mission
1333 S. Kirkwood Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63122
LCMS World Mission
1333 S. Kirkwood Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63122
On the memo line for the check please write “Mark Wolfram account #50152”. Even if you cannot support financially, prayer support is important as well.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day Backyard
I have a bush in my backyard. In fact, I have several bushes in my backyard. But one of those bushes is special. That one bush holds a nest.
Recently the eggs in the nest started to hatch. Out of those eggs came baby grackles.
I'm a long time hater of the grackle. Of course, you are all familiar with my landmark paper "Hey Mr. Grackle, Why You Gotta Be a Dick?" that was published in a 2002 edition of Ornithology Reader.
However, I have to admit, that while I was hanging around in my backyard on Memorial Day, I actually thought that the baby rabbits and grackles hanging out in my yard were cute.
Later that night I went over to Jen and Derrick's house for a barbecue. As I sat at the table with Jen, Shannon and Derrick I began to regale them with my tale of cute baby creatures in my back yard.
Because there were 2 chicks at the table, I was expecting to hear at least one "Ahhh.."
Instead, what came out of there mouths, (almost at the exact same time) was, "You should buy a cat to kill those."
I will not buy a cat, but I will publish some photos of the potential cat food.

Heartless, heartless people.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
On May 23, I had my housewarming party. I would consider it a success on some level. 10-15 showed up for it.
I would like to thank everybody that made an appearance:
Baier, Jason
Bardole, Shannon
Bennett, Charlotte
Brannen, Suzie
Daniel, Jeff
Derner, Geri
Degeneffe, Scott
Gorshe, Derrick
Gorshe, Jen
Gorshe, Jill
Henning, Monica
Hiatt, Eric
Howard, Jesse
Howard, Kalista
Howard, Kelly
Howard, Saydie
Howard, Taylan
Janson, Jay
Jauhari, Andree
Jenson, Terra
Johnstone, Jason
Junck, Sara
Kahler, Brandon
Kahler, Logan
Kahler, Russ
Kahler, Teresa
Kewer, Jeff
McAlpine, Willy
Meiners, Alex
Meiners, Barb
Meiners, Frank
Meiners, Trevor
Miller, Bethany
Miller, Jim
Miller, Nate
Mubaidin, Shadi
Parsaei, Nader
Perkovich, Becky
Peterson, Tim
Redd, Ernie
Roberts, Lori
Roberts, Sam
Roberts, Steve
Schmidt, Amy
Schmidt, Corey
Schmidt, Izzy
Strachota, James
Stensland, Alexis
Stensland, Carla
Stensland, Elainie
Stensland, Jason
Stensland, Johnathan
Ungs, Casy
Venema, Barb
Yin, Amy
Of course, some special thanks are in order for some special people.
Thanks to Logan for manning the grill so I could engage in hosting duties.
Thanks to Johnathan for helping Logan out.
Thanks to Shannon for bringing Oatmeal Cake.
Thanks to Terra for bringing taco dip.
Thanks to Jay for bring rhubarb crunch and blackberry buckle.
Thanks to Jen for bringing brownies.
Thanks to Monica for bringing taco dip.
Thanks to Steve for bring homegrown salsa and rhubarb crisp.
Thanks to Becky for bringing mint fudge cheesecake.
Thanks to Jesse for bringing ice, a canopy and running to get more firewood.
Thanks to Sara, whom I think might have brought some vegetables.
I did not really get out my camera for this occasion, but Sara took some pictures with her camera. Below are a few pictures from Sara's camera.
Admittedly these pictures only include a small spectrum of the party people, but it will have to suffice, it is all that I got.

Monica and I

Monica and Jen

Sara and Jen

Sara, Jen and I

Sara, Jill and Jen

Jen, Derrick and Shannon (Shadi in the background)

I and James

Jesse, I and Sara

Logan, I and Jesse

Logan, Sara and Jen

I and Jesse

I and Jill

Jason, I and Jesse


Jen and Derrick
I guess now that the house is sufficiently warmed, I won't have to do that again.
But on the positive side, I think almost everybody who came to the party will leave with at least one memory of my neighbor, Mr. Jason Johnstone. My Kramer.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Housewarming Invites
I had a housewarming/birthday shindig on May 23. I made individual invitations for those that were invited. I'd like to share some of them.


The Kahlers




The Roberts Family

The Hiatts

The Howards


Jeff and Yin

The Gorshes

The Baiers

Bethany and Rebecca


The Degeneffes

Geri requested a new picture of us be taken because she wanted a picture where she wasn't looking at me as if I was the smartest person in the world. I guess I never noticed her having an expression different than what I'm used to seeing by the majority of people in my life...
Labels: Family, Friends, House, Life, Photography
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mr. Bunyan
A couple Saturdays back, Teresa rented a lift and Ernie cut down some limbs. I went over to play with the lift a little bit.






More Playing


Random Logan Photo
But perhaps the best part of the tree trimming, is the fact that I got to realize a life long dream of having a woodpile.

After that stuff dries out, I'm going to have some serious fires!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Keep Your Tweets to Yourself
For full disclosure - I have a Facebook account. I have a MySpace Page. I have a YouTube Channel. I have a Twitter Page. With all that being said, something I heard on the radio the other day struck me as borderline profound.
Keep Your Tweets to YourselfI do endorse all these forms of communication, but it is the last line that I find particularly profound. It is called discretion people. Not everything you do needs to be put on the internet.
by John Ridley
At the risk of sounding like that old guy in Gran Torino telling those "young punks" to "get off my lawn," it's gotten to the point that whenever I hear somebody talking about Twitter or twittering or tweeting it just makes my little tummy want to hurl.
I haven't tweeted once in my life, but I'm sick of hearing about it already. What once may have been the cool way of letting a hundred people know that you're about to go mow your lawn now has the feel of a used-to-be-fresh means of communicating. So yesterday, like two-way pagers. And AOL.
To be honest, I think tweeting jumped the shark long before ultrahip CNN got into a Twitter match against superdown Ashton Kutcher. Back when politicians started live-tweeting responses to the president's demi-State of the Union address, Twitter had already taken on all the cool of your mom getting a tattoo.
I imagine, I hope, twitterers are ultimately headed for the social networking retirement home that's the current residence of Second Life and MySpace.
But my real issue with social networking sites isn't their faddishness.
It's the hypocrisy that goes with them.
We claim to be a nation of people who take our privacy very seriously. Just mention the idea of warrantless wiretaps and expect to get hit up with a congressional investigation.
But give somebody an avatar and a URL, and he can't tweet, post or hyperlink enough personal information about himself to as many people as possible.
Seriously, does valuable broadband space need to be taken up with announcements in that creepy Facebook third-person-ese that "John is enjoying two-for-one margaritas with the rest of the IT Team at T.G.I. Fridays"?
Where is the expectation of privacy anymore? Or, more correctly, where is the expectation that people will keep their private nonsense to themselves so that those of us who still like to communicate personal information with one person at a time don't have to get caught up in somebody else's e-mail circles or listen to their one-sided cell phone conversations?
No, I don't know what's hipper; to Facebook or to Twitter. I just know for me, personally, discretion never went out of style.
Yes I realize that sound hypocritical coming via blog.
Labels: Blogging
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day
On Mother's Day, I hosted the first family event at the new house. I learned the following things.
1. My mom, despite literally knowing me my entire life, will takes something out of my fridge and eat it without looking at the expiration date.
2. If you ask Elainie to get mayonnaise out of the fridge, she will tell you that you don't have mayonnaise, you only have Miracle Whip.
3. If I have popped a blister and am bleeding from my foot, I can talk Alexis into taking, not 1, but 2 pictures of my bloody foot.
Here are a couple of pictures from Mother's Day. I will spare you the blood foot picture, unless you explicitly email me at requesting the picture.

There are about 30 other Mother's Day pictures in the Family Photo Album. Just click on the link below:
Mother's Day
Labels: Family