Slow on the take...
Some times the Des Moines Register gets real arrogant. They do things like try to me just who it is that "I should get to know".
Some times the Des Moines Register gets it right. However, even when they get it right they are way behind the times. Check out this article from today's Business Section.

Thanks for the tip, Des Moines Register, but I've known that Shannon was somebody to know for years now.
In case you can't read the article, I'm willing to supply you with the important details below.

Saponification Specialist
Name: Shannon Bardole
Title: Saponification Specialist
Company: Little White Lye Soap
City company is located in: Ames, IA
Job description or business description (especially if what you do is unusual your the title is not descriptive):
Saponification is the process of making soap, hence I’m a Saponification Specialist. I am owner/proprietor of the business. I make all-natural bars of soap and laundry soap using only Iowa-raised, free-range lard that I render and lye.
I have a BA in Family Services from the University of Northern Iowa. I worked at Living History Farms for five years, which is where I learned how to make soap using a historic recipe. I currently serve full-time as Administrative Assistant for United Way of Story County since LWLS is still a small business.
Notable achievements:
Little White Lye Soap has been in business for 20 months. The soap is available for purchase at three retail outlets: Wheatsfield Cooperative Grocery (413 Douglas Avenue, Ames), Indoor Ames Farmers’ Market (526 Main Street Station Suite 103, Ames), and Living History Farms (2600 111th Street, Urbandale). The website ( has been live for a few months.
Personally, I’ve received recognition at the state level within the Jaycees as top local secretary and state program manager.
Why I do what I do:
I love owning a small business. I love the challenges and opportunities that come along with owning a small business. And I love the product that I sell and use. It’s environmentally friendly, and I think my customers appreciate that, as well.
What I do to get away from work:
I enjoy handiwork of all sorts – knitting, crocheting, sewing. I enjoy traveling to visit my nieces and nephews in Dubuque and Illinois. I also working in the vegetable garden that my dad and I plant annually.
How I give back to the community (or volunteer activities):
I am an active member of the Ames ( and Iowa Junior Chamber ( Through the Jaycees I am able to help raise funds through my leadership as the 2008 Committee Chair of Ames on the Half Shell ( that get put directly back into the community through projects such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Bowling Challenge, Fourth of July Fireworks, and Holiday Food Baskets.
Words to live by: Always have a positive attitude, even if things aren’t going well. Because suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint.
What Iowa can do to attract more people like me:
Iowa needs to keep doing what it’s already doing. I’ve been a life-long Iowan, and I love it here! I love four distinct seasons. I love the friendliness of Iowans. And I love driving in the spring and looking out over fields for miles around.
My mentor:
Frankee Oleson, Executive Director of United Way of Story County, quickly became my mentor after I began working there. She has got to be the most diplomatic person I know. That is something I really want to learn from her.
My leadership philosophy: Being a leader isn’t always comfortable. If you’re doing it right, you’re going to be uncomfortable, make people mad, but learn a lot.
What I would do if I could do something else:
I would love to be a full-time business owner. That is my goal. I’m passionate about quality, hand-crafted, all-natural, local goods, and I’d love to own a business that features all of those products.
If you want to contact me: Please visit
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