Donations Requested
I understand that most people will be donating stuff to help out Iowans, but say you don't like Iowans all that much, I have an alternative for you. That alternative starts with a geography lesson.

This is Honduras

These are Hondurans
Jesse is going to Honduras to do some mission work through his church, but rather than trying to explain such things I'll just repost his e-mail because he can explain things better than me.
I am very excited to be leading a missions expedition to Honduras with myself and 8 college students! Honduras is one of the 5 poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere with an annual household income averaging US$3,300 per year. While each person’s goals are only known by themselves, our mission is to try and improve (or put in place a means for improving) the lives of as many people as we can in 7 short days. We will be living in a small village south of Comayagua which is home to nearly 350 orphaned children. There are no electric utilities or plumbing in this community and water must be collected daily. Our group will be digging wells, assisting in the orphanage, and carrying in much needed supplies to our new family. Our team is only bringing enough clothes and other supplies that will fit into our carry-on luggage, and we will be bringing 2 other suitcases filled with as many items as we can that this community desperately needs.
I am asking each of you if you might have any of the items listed below that you would be willing to donate. I am leaving one week from Monday (June 30th) and if you would bring the items here, I would be happy to make sure that they are taken down with us.
Tennis Shoes - ages 4-16
Girl's Sandals - ages 4-16
Twin Sheet Sets - twin bottom sheet, top sheet and pillow case
Towel Sets – shower towel and wash cloth
Large Pans
Mixer or Blender
Juice Processor
Plastic to cover mattresses
Shower soap
Body lotion
Anti fungal
Flu medicine
Other medicines
Plastic Cups
Disposable Diapers
As always, your thoughts and prayers as we make this journey are appreciated greatly. Thank you all for your consideration.
Jesse L. Howard
Now you don't know where here is, but I can collect any donations that you would like to make and get it to Jesse.
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