Special Olympics
I had a chance to catch up with an old friend of mine today, Kim Lively.
Kim used to by my lobby person when I was running Campus. She was competing today in the 50 meter run at the Special Olympics.
I found out that the Lively family was named Family of the Year. It doesn't surprise me, I've known Kim and her mom for several years now and they are both such wonderful people.
I managed to get a couple pictures of Kim.

This year's Special Olympics marks like the umpteenth time in a row where I left the Special Olympics thinking that I'm going to take time off work and volunteer next year. Now that I know that Becky (the most volunteeringest* person I've ever met) volunteers for Special Olympics I might see about making her my Accountability Buddy for making sure that I volunteer next year.
* I realize that volunteeringest isn't a word, but bugger off the English language is constantly evolving and it will be a word soon enough.
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