The Church of the Inebriated Saints
Shorty often refers to going to church twice on the same day as building up credit. On Friday night I went to The Venue to attend the Church of the Inebriated Saints. I think by Shorty's logic, I get credit for that and can skip church some time in the future.
I took several pictures of Inebriated Saints and I'm going to unload a large collection of them right here. I left shortly after their show concluded, but based on then names of the other bands, they sounded like yelling-screaming-angry-white-male-feel-sorry-for-me music, I'm just going to assume that they were the victors.

It is a fact that many of these pictures aren't really your standard picture and might be kind of artistically pretentious, but I felt the need to get a bit creative because bar photography is not my forte. There is limited light, so you are really kind of limited in your options. You can crank up the ISO, but that results in digital noise. You can crack out the blinding flash and my Top Photo Assistant can tell you, I don't really like flash photography. The only other option is to get a little creative. Admittedly you will find examples of all of these in the photos above.
On a more personal note. This trip out to The Venue was my first trip to a Boone bar in almost 2 years. I saw some people that I hadn't seen in several years. Anybody that has ever seen me knows that I'm not a big personal appearance person. (Although I have really gotten into color coordinating my beanies lately.) If I know somebody, I know them and don't even really think about what their personal appearance might be saying to the rest of the world.
A couple different people came up to me and asked me: "You are Christopher Bennett, correct?"
One of these people was a muscular looking gent with a shaved head and a goatee. I had a brief conversation with him and then he returned to his job duties. I never thought of him as being scary looking. Although I might not ever be muscular looking, the clock is ticking on when I will be a bald dude with a goatee. The only thing to be determined is whether or not I will have the guts to keep the sideburns.
Shannon said that guy was really scary looking.
I thought, really? I mean maybe a guy that looks like that can be intimidating, but I only see Larry Sprecher. One of the kids (along with his brother Mike and Kelly Wilson) that I played G.I. Joe with.
Becky came to the concert with Shannon. This resulted in a bonus photo session that I call "The Get Your Picture Taken with Shannon Session". Check out these bonus photos:

One other person that talked to me at the bar was Jamie's friend Bonnie. She wanted to know if I had a "little, short, blonde guy with me". She was referring to Jay. When I relayed that story to Jay on Saturday morning, he became distraught. It turns out Jay doesn't like to be referred to as both little and short.
Labels: Friends, Photography
I think my favorite photo is of the bass next to the speaker. Is it bad that my favorite is not of the band? Anyway, the reason the guy looked scary is because of his bald head and FULL BEARD, not just a goatee. And you did confirm that he is a little scary.
I think it is understandable, considering.
Just because a guy has been in prison doesn't mean he is scary.
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