A Crossroads
Last night we had FNSC at The Colorado Grill. My mind began to wander towards the next day. I was considering going to see "Resurrecting the Champ" but I did not want to go alone. I turned to Willy and asked him about his plans for the next day.
Willy usually looks at his imaginary scheduler if he has nothing planned, but if he has something planned he immediately tells you what is on his docket. Willy did neither of these things. He fumbled around for something to say and then mumbled something about going running with one of his co-workers.
I wasn't to be denied so quickly, so I asked him about the time of his social engagement and what he might have planned afterwards. He just mumbled something quietly about being "busy" and then he turned quickly to Jay and asked him what he thought about Hillary Clinton. Did he think the rumors were true that she could give a person a kiss that would remove their soul?
I drifted out of the conversation because I already knew the answer to this debate. You can't steal other people's souls if you don't have a soul of your own. That's just science.
I decided not to pursue the movie this weekend and settle on going to see "Superbad" with Jay on Sunday.
Ames was on my docket for Saturday. I needed to buy a new 55mm UV filter for one of my lenses. In a freak bag ripping accident I had broken such a filter at the State Fair. I was also in need of foam board.
This trip went without event, until I reached the intersection of Highway 17 and Old 30. I thought I recognized a guy standing at the intersection. As I looked closer I realized it was Willy. I now know why he couldn't commit to a social engagement with me. He was "working", in a manner of speaking. I stopped just long enough to take the pictures below and then I went on my merry way.

Labels: Life, Photography
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