An Artist's Notebook
“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” - Thomas Merton
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Jesse Goes to Africa - Collection 1
For a few days in a row, I'm going to post 10 pictures from Jesse's trip. I only know one of the people that he went on the trip with and I don't know what is going on in the pictures because we haven't had a chance to go over the pictures, so you are going to get my best uneducated guess as to what each picture represents.
I do mean uneducated. Everything I know about Africa comes from watching the movie Shaft in Africa*. A movie with the tagline: "THE Brother Man in the Motherland."
A movie with great dialogue like:
Shaft: Look, why don't you get rid of that jolly giant over there, so you and I can get down to the finer strokes.
Aleme: Oziot has guarded me since I was a child. Sometimes I think of him as my living chastity belt.
Shaft: Damn! Man that size, baby, that's a whole lot of chastity!
This conversation goes on for a little bit longer, but I invite you to experience its full greatness by picking up your own copy of Shaft in Africa.

It appears that Jesse must have flown out of the Kansas City or St. Louis airport because I believe this picture must have been taken in Missouri.

I'm assuming Salodin means Dairy Queen. As long as they have Dilly Bars, I'm in!

It is just nice to see a picture of a bunch of kids and none of them are wearing Crocs!

There is a scene in the movie Gone with the Wind where Rhett brings back the latest fashion from Paris for Scarlett. Scarlett does not know how to wear the new hat. Rhett quips: "This war stopped being a joke when a girl like you doesn't know how to wear the latest fashion."
I think what Jesse was trying to say with this picture is: "Years of genocide and civil war stopped being a joke when these orphans don't have a choosy mom to choose them Jif."

What I really like in this picture is the combination of kids that are trying to throwdown the badass vibe and the kids that are just being silly.

Jesse introducing Ugandan kids to the Fonzie pose.

I think Jesse is teaching them the awesome power of spirit fingers.

Dave and Jesse showing off the Little White Lye Soap that kept them clean and manly smelling during their mission trip.
10 more pictures are on the way.
*I also learned everything I know about being a man from the original Shaft.
*I also learned everything I know about being a man from the original Shaft.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Outer Limits
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We can reduce the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits. - The Control Voice
The Outer Limits is one of my all-time favorite television shows. The following pictures are inspired by that show and its 1960s special effects.

This is Jay. You are probably wondering why he looks so cocky. It is because...

Jay can control electricity or fire, whatever you believe to be more plausible.

He can slowly turn into electricity.

Until he appears to be an electric man.

Or he can shoot it out of his fingertips at his enemies.
The good news, is I have similar powers...

I think I might just have to crack out my The Outer Limits DVDs this weekend.
Labels: Photography
Monday, July 27, 2009
Raise a Glass
I went to a fundraiser for the American Diabetes Association on Friday night with Sara and Amy. It was an interesting evening. The basic point of the night was wine tasting and art for sale.
I don't drink, so I mostly looked at art.
However, there was one point where I was sitting at a table waiting for Amy and Sara to comeback with food. It was then that I meant one classy dame.
Three people approached the table. A dude, a lady I will call Ms. Manners and the Classy Dame.
Ms. Manners said, "Can we sit at this table?"
I replied, "Yes."
Classy Dame answered, "You don't have to ask him if we can sit at this table. This is our table. We were here first. I marked this table. I peed all around it."
I replied, "How lovely."
Here are some pictures from Sara from the night.

Amy and I

Sara and I

I am by no stretch of the imagination a fan of Grant Wood, but I am a fan of wooden cutouts that you stick your head through.

Sara and Amy

This particular piece of artwork really stood out to me. This is not a particularly good picture of it, but that is most likely for the best. The artist had made mosaic type pictures out of old magazines. All of the pictures were like the one to the left. A nice picture of people or of flowers or something. But then I came upon this picture. A picture of a catfight that included a depiction of both sets of mammaries and the "V" of one of the combatants. Nicely played artist. Nicely played.

It was certainly a memorable night.