Done Waiting
About 3 Sundays ago while I was leaving the sanctuary, Andrea told me that she was thinking about me when she wrote her section for the October Bulletin.
That made me a bit nervous. Was there some particular message that I in particular needed to hear?
This Sunday the new Bulletin came out. I read Andrea's section with more than my usual amount of anticipation.
A Note from Pastor Andrea
October Blessings!!
I have been doing a lot of reflecting this past month on ways in which we can as a church grow as one community. I have been thinking about ways in which we can get involved not only by our giving but also through our talents.
So, I thought that for the month of October we as a church could reflect on the “God Moments” in our lives. First, find a photo from this summer or fall that shows you “God Moment”. It could be a scenery picture, it could be a family photo, a child’s photo, any type of picture that you have taken of something you did or saw. Secondly, I would like for you to write a short blurb explaining your special “God moment”. Bring your photo and blurb to the office and we will display them around the church as a way for us to share with one another not only our talents in photography but also to share the way that we have seen God in our everyday lives!! The question I want you to answer is, “How have I seen God working in my life?”
I think those of you that attended my Sermon Interview a few months back will know why she was thinking about me when she wrote this section of her Note.
As it turns out, it was nothing to worry about. I've even offered to help out with this project. I think it is a brilliant idea. I hope people choose to participate.