I got lots of information to get out there, so I'm going to dispense with the niceties and just jump in and get this "blog" on!!!
Well the response to my anti-Dasher Management rant and artwork has been universally negative. Just some of my favorite e-mail responses:
"What you don't want my kid to be happy when eating his Happy Meal? Then you are a jerk. I hope you can't sleep at night."
"You call Andres Serrano a hack. In my dictionary I pasted your picture next to the term "hack" because Mister, that is what you are."
"Mountain Dew and water? Clearly your bladder lacks the courage of your convictions and that makes you a coward."
"You're attempt at a kinetic sculpture is weak. It doesn't even compare favorably to the writings of Nicholas Sparks."
"'Piss Kroc'. Crock of #!%@# that is what you are sir."
Despite this unified public front I move forward with my plans. Ahh . . . but what are those plans. I was all set to tell you about my plans to open an online store, but then "it" happened. I had just concluded lunch with a couple of compatriots when the waitress laid the fortune cookies on the table. I smashed my fortune cookie open and hoped for a good fortune. What I got was solid advice.
"Keep your plans secret for now."
So you see, I can't possibly tell you about my online store plans for now. The fortune cookie has advised me to keep my plans a secret. Fortune cookies have never steered me wrong in the past. Including the following nuggets:
"You will find an outlet for your creative genius and accomplish a great deal."
"You have many personal talents that are attractive to others, so be sure to use them."
"You are interested in public service and would make an outstanding statesman."
"Time is right to make new friends."
"You will do well to expand your business."
"You have an unusually magnetic personality."
"You will soon meet a dark stranger."
They are all true, except I have yet to meet a dark stranger. I suppose I need to work on that one. Although a co-worker recently referenced a website to me called "Savage Love" and the URL for said site has something to do with the stranger. When I heard that I instantly thought about the Albert Camus novel "The Stranger" which both the President and I enjoy in a very similar manner. (Meaning we both like to pretend that we read it to sound intellectual at parties.)
Instead of having to do anything remotely with literature, this "Savage Love" website is some kind of dating/sex advice website. Now I have not visited this website because I'm a little bit leery of visiting such a site on my work computer because I don't want to be the guy that triggers the "porn surfing at work is to be done only during lunch" memo. You know how porn eats up the company bandwidth. However, yet another unnamed co-worker did visit the site and indicated to me that the following subject was a topic for "Savage Love" – "Openly Skank".
The fact that there was a topic entitled "Openly Skank" reminded me of two facts and created a new question for me.
Fact #1: I used to hang out with people that used the term skank quite frequently, but now I don't know anybody that uses the term skank any longer. This term must have fallen out of the popular vernacular. How sad.
Fact#2: I am a big fan of a local ska band named "Slaughterhouse 6". They rip it up. If you ever have a chance to check them out: Do it! I bring this up because there is a well-known ska dance called "The Skank". That reminds me of the fact that Derrick has a theory that ska dancing is regional. Derrick and I are ready to travel the country to research his theory and write a paper entitled "Regionalism and Ska Dancing" just as soon as somebody is ready to hand us over a big fat grant check. We're waiting America. Hands open. Fill them with cash please!
Question #1: If there is a person that is "Openly Skank" then by definition that means that there are people that are "Closeted Skank". It is a tautology. Look it up. Why would anybody want to concede to themselves that they are on the lowest rung of "The Social Ladder of Promiscuous Women"? Do these women aspire to the next step?
All of that though is neither here nor there. This little tidbit is also quite a bit off subject. I hit a few Chinese restaurants with quite the assortment of people. Some people that sit across the table from me while I consume edibles insist on always saying the "in bed" thing. Annoying? Indubitably! Not the strangest thing that comes into my field of vision though. I eat with 2 people that refuse to eat the fortune cookie or look at the fortune?!?!? They don't even like to touch it. I swear I'm not making this up. They feel like it is voodoo or black magic. They think that to engage the fortune cookie is to play with dark forces. It is the same as playing Ouija, by Parker Brothers to them. Those warlock bastards!! *
For the record, fortune cookies have no religious affiliation. Fortune cookies (just like nachos) are a completely American invention. They were invented as a marketing ploy. There is nothing dark or sinister about them. They are the equivalent of the toy in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box. The only dark force at work at the buffet is the inability to get a refill after the bill hits the table.
In reality, I should get back to the subject matter at hand. My future plans for my online store. However, to know the future you need to examine the past. I really only want to go back a few days.
On Sunday I loaded up the iPod with some quality music and hit the open road with Jesse. Turns out we hit the open road just a little too hard. To the tune of a 102 dollar speeding ticket. The cop was a swell guy; he knocked it down 1 mile for me.
"I saved you 30 bucks."
Since you are so concerned about my financial state, officer, I know a way you can save me another 102 dollars. It involves that ticket, an orifice, and the word "sideways".
We made the rest of the trip to Mendota Heights unscathed by incredibly stupid arbitrary traffic laws. We picked up Nate and headed to some town that I won't even try to remember to imbibe the goodness that is Buffalo Wild Wings. We knocked down some Jerk wings and watched the stupid Bears stumble their way to a playoff victory. WooHoo! They are still losing this weekend to the Saints. So party it up while you can Bears fans.
After a stuffing meal we hit Excelsior to see Bethany's school and teach her how to make "legal backups" of DVDs. We then headed back to the St. Paul area. We made a quick stop to replenish my diminished supply of Faygo and buy a 4 pack of Boylan Root Beer (it is sweetened with pure cane sugar) and we were back at Nate's to pick up our bounty. 3 cakes exquisitely crafted by the master for my 1 year work anniversary. A Peanut Butter Cake, Chocolate Mousse, and some kind of Lemon Cake, each one greater than its predecessor. That statement isn't entirely true. Man, I love me some Peanut Butter Cake.
We loaded the bounty into the back of the Taurus and bid Nate a fond adieu. Then we headed out for the open road. The only hiccup being that the open road was now covered with snow and Minnesota drivers. Regardless of the obstacles created by nature and Minnesota's public education system we made it to Iowa where miraculously the roads were mostly clear because there were actually snowplows out?!?!
We kicked it up a notch to make up for lost time in Minnesota, and then we hit a wolf pack of people doing about 55. I was manning the driver's seat for this part of the sojourn. I thought about that earlier speeding ticket still burning a hole in my pocket and then thought, whatever! I eased into the passing lane and gave the Taurus a healthy dose of gas. When I got to the front of the pack I realized that a state patrolman was the lead dog.
Only the word that came out of my mouth was decidedly less Christian. So I had to make a decision. Fall to the back of the pack like a victim of castration. Or put "them" figuratively on the dashboard and pass the patrolman in the middle of a blizzard.
I gave the Taurus a little more gas, passed the patrolman and slowly pulled away. I waited to be pulled over and given the inevitable ticket. It didn't happen. Victory was mine.
The rest of the trip was just spent rocking out, basking in the glory of victory.
Monday night I managed to be late for bowling yet again. I was matched up with the worst bowler in the league. He beat me like a red headed stepchild. I guess that makes me officially the worst bowler in the league.
Tuesday was my 1 year work anniversary. I brought in Nate's cake. I believe that they were a smashing success. So much so I was nominated for being a "nice guy" at the company meeting. Nice guy. I got them all fooled. (strokes cat that sits on the arm of his chair knowingly)
On Wednesday Monica joined Jesse and I for lunch. We drove 1 block to King Buffet. Besides the fortune that started this whole mess of a blog, the only thing of consequence that transpired was Jesse determining that I would have made an "awesome stoner". Now I know what some of you with limited English skills (such as myself) just had a word pop into your head: Onomatopoeia!! No that is not it! Oxymoron!! Awesome and stoner are concepts that deny one another. A person can not be both awesome and a stoner. I asked, nay, demanded clarification.
I'm paraphrasing and elaborating at the same time, but this is what came out of his mouth. "You usually go all the way into things. You would blow glass so that you could make your own hookah. You would make bongs out of ordinary household items and they would work as both a bong and whatever it was that they were originally supposed to be. You would listen to Dave Matthews, Phish, and the Grateful Dead and pretend like it was deeply moving music. As if it existed on a higher plane. You would have walls covered with black light posters of hemp, mushrooms, and Pink Floyd. You would subscribe to High Times magazine and carry pictures of the Bud of the Month around with you like it was the "coolest thing ever". You would wear hemp jewelry. You would give passionate diatribes about the difference between decriminalizing marijuana and legalizing marijuana. You would fly into a rage any time anybody used the term "gateway drug". Then finally when you decided to enter the adult world and get a job you would listen to whining Nancy Boy music like Jack Johnson and John Mayer."
For the record I would never listen to John Mayer. "Waiting on the World to Change"! How about getting off your duff and help start changing it instead of whining that "there's nothing we can do". That song has less social meaning than "Fergalicious".
Thursday meant supper with a friend, and a new episode of The Office, and Papa Bear on The Colbert Report.
So I guess that brings us to the present. I can begin my plans for the future. What does the future hold for me? What does the future hold for us? I can't tell you all about the future but I will tell you that I am currently working on a plan for my future online store. I just can't tell you about it. I have to heed the cookie you know!
I can make some vague allusions to it though. It is a style that in some circles is known as "The Bennett Style". The people in those circles need a hobby. Perhaps they could take up crafts.
Speak of the devil and the devil will appear. Tomorrow night I am very excited to be going as far south as Maryland Pike for craft night. I'm not all that crafty, but it will give me a chance to admire the works of an acknowledged master: Sara Junck. Also, I haven't spent much time painting frames and I need to get a frame painted if I am ever going to get a picture proudly displayed in Salon 908. So part of the future involves craft night.
Speaking of acknowledged masters, I think I have finally determined a time and a date for my much ballyhooed trip to Brunnier to see the sculptures of Rodin. This coming Thursday they are having a reception with appetizers, music, and a speaker. The good news is that there are still plenty of openings for the trip. A couple of people have already fallen out.
Jay just can't commit because he doesn't know when he will get off work. Maybe he will come back into focus when the day draws nigh.
Monica hates Rodin. Her exact words were, "Screw Rodin, if he was any good they would have named one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after him. Plus sculptures suck as a general rule."
If the Brunnier trip falls apart, I at least have a few movies to fall back on. A few movies that I have had my on my radar for months have finally found their way to the theaters of Ames and I am pumped up.
"The Last King of Scotland" is playing at the Varsity. "Running with Scissors" has graced the Dollar Theatre. "Dreamgirls" is holding it down at the Movies 12. There are plenty of high quality movies in town for once. Although I do regret missing "Candy" which left Ames last night. I also eagerly anticipate the arrival of "Pan's Labyrinth". I beg you Cinemark don't make me wait much longer for the latest film by Guillermo del Toro. I can't wait for the latest film from the master filmmaker that brought us "Hellboy" and "Blade II"??? Whatever, I still want to see it.
January 30th is also a pretty exciting date. That is the date that the new Norah Jones CD is released.
Then on February 5th there is going to be a pretty sweet concert at the Maintenance Shop. Not as incredible as a Lesser Known Saint show, but I'm still pretty stoked about going to see Matt Werz in concert.
But all these events are in the hazy future and none of them have anything to do with the online store. That is really concerned with the website. Avid followers of the Photography 139 website will have noticed a small change in the website.
You see it was Christmas recently. To mark the birth of the savior of mankind people like to give friends, family, and social obligations gifts. I rolled such a gift into a CSS manual. Okay, half of you just fell asleep. WAKE UP!! So, I have slowly been converting the website into CSS. Outwardly you will not notice much of a difference, but in the future it will be a billion-gazillion times easier to update the look and fell of the website.
This new knowledge also enabled me to move the navigation bar from the side of the website to the top of the website. This move makes the main body of the page quite a bit larger. The immediate consequence of that is that I can make the pictures much larger. The immediate consequence for you is that it will take longer for you to download the pictures. But did I mention that they will be larger??
I've went ahead and started designing the site to be best seen at a screen resolution of 1024x768 as that is more or less the standard now. It will still look fine at larger screen resolutions, but you might find it slightly annoying if your screen resolution is 800x600. I will not apologize for this because I am trying to help your boat rise with the tide. Just the way that the "No Child Left Behind Act" did.
So now you know that the site looks slightly different. Still no information about that online store to be had around these parts, is there? I did promise broad allusions. I am a man of my word, but you may want to turn back now. My kinetic sculpture plays a small part in the future and we all know that nobody likes that sculpture. The hatred is so intense that I have decided to change the name to "Anti-McDonald's Book Deterioration Thing".
Let's go back to the past. A few weeks hence I ate lunch at The Great Plains Sauce and Dough Company with Sara. This is back when she used to eat food, but that is now a part of her past and a subject I will not dwell on. The subject of conversation was reached about the 4 people in the world I hate. She thought that it was bad to hate these people, but then I named the 4 people that I hate and she said it was okay to hate "those" people. However, I think it is more than past time to let that hate go. The man whose birthday we celebrated on Monday said the following thing:
"He who is devoid of the power to forgive, is devoid of the power to love."
It is likely that he was right about such things. The "Anti-McDonald's Book Deterioration Thing" is a symptom of that hate. If art is meant to glorify God, all this glorifies is me.
However, it is part of the plan for the online store. To open this online store I figure I need to raise about 160 American dollars. True I could dig into my own wallet or use some of my recently attained "phat" bonus check. However, I choose to run my "business" is the same manner as PBS.
In the near future I will put some items in the store. If anybody buys enough of them to put 160 American dollars in my possession I will move on with the opening of a legitimate online store that people will be able to use their credit cards and such to purchase high quality Photography 139 merchandise.
The first thing to go into the "fundraising" store will be "The Anti-McDonald's Book Deterioration Thing". It will have an initial price tag of 10 bucks. When it does not sell, it will be thrown into the Des Moines River where it will descend to the muddy bottom. It is where it deserves to be.
I'll let you know when the fundraising begins. I am certain that you are whet with anticipation.
* In all sincerity, I don't recall if it was Parker Brothers or Milton Bradley that mass marketed the "witchboard" to America's youth. I don't know if they were wiccans or warlocks or spawns of Satan or smoking lots of dope. I just know that it the single strangest toy in the history of mankind. Labels: Life